Essay Of Money

Importance Of Money Essay Examples. The Importance of Money in The Good Earth by Pearl S. An Analysis of the Management Affecting Employees. Money is what you use to buy things. The idea of trading things is very old. A long time ago, people did not buy or sell with money. Instead, they traded one thing for another to get what they wanted or needed.

IELTS essay prompt Some people believe that money brings happiness; others are of the opinion that having too much money is a problem. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Sample response Almost all of us are motivated by money. The only reason that most of us spend 8 to 10 hours at the workplace is to earn money.

Money probably doesn’t bring happiness, but not having enough money to take care of our basic needs will seriously limit our happiness. No one wants to live in poverty and no one will lend to the poor. Money helps us lead a comfortable life. It helps us provide the best possible education for our children. It ensures that our near and dear ones have access to medical attention whenever they need it. Having more money than you need is unlikely to increase your levels of happiness, but not having enough will definitely destroy your peace of mind. There is a limit to the amount of money that we can spend on ourselves.

Essay Of Money

Essay On Importance Of Money

Essay Of Money

Still, the richest among us have amassed wealth they or their progeny will never use in their lifetime. Still, they aren’t satisfied.

They want more. That is the lure of money. It never makes people content. Those who don’t have it want to have it. Those who have it want to have even more of it. Unfortunately, in our pursuit of riches, we often forget to live. We forget to appreciate the little joys that make our lives worth living.

Having a lot of money is definitely a problem. It even threatens our safety and security and makes us the target of thieves.

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Look at the richest people. They can’t move around freely like you or I. They are always surrounded by their personal security guards and often live their entire lives in constant fear of getting attacked.

The reader will lose track of them all. Best narrative essay. You can’t fit all your senior year friends in a single essay. Select one or the most necessary ones. • Limit the number of characters in your essay. It’s advisable to pick an event out of the lengthy duration that will reasonably fit into an essay.

Essay Of Money

To conclude, money is unlikely to make us happy, but we must still earn enough. However, in our pursuit of riches, we must not lose our souls. True happiness comes from spiritual awakening. Money has hardly anything to do with it.